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Vote for Mercy for the Serpent!

How far does forgiveness reach?

"Phinehas is an overly confident drug distiller who finds himself in enemy territory on the jungle planet Trelisor. Goeh’el is a shoemaker with a secret. Their two paths become inseparable after Phinehas commits a murder during a theft gone bad. He is sentenced to death, but is redeemed by a last-minute substitute. Is he the “one” that will fulfill the prophecy and bring peace to Trelisor? This story explores the costly price of grace and its far-reaching effects on the heart."

I am so excited to announce this new project! Mercy for the serpent is now available on Kindle Scout from February 18-March 19, 2016! Here's what you need to do to help get it published:

2. Read the excerpt

3. Nominate it for publication. This lets the Kindle Press people know that crowdsourcing for the book is working and that readers want to know more!

4. Share with you friends!

5. If the book is chosen, you get a free copy!

It really is that simple, it only takes about 5 minutes and is a win-win for both of us!

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